Denis Romanovski


Random Argumentation 2009,2010

denis_randomargumentationSeries of performances in Göteborg, Minsk, Lviv, Beijing, Boston
an attempt to make expression of random reasoning in clear sensation that neither randomness nor reasoning are possible to achieve in time being.
What is "random" in the past, in the future, at present? Random did not, does not, will not matter, any...any does not matter. It seems to be clear what to do if to hold a hammer and handful of nails, what happens to me when I hold many hammers and only one nail, what kind of reason would seize the other ones - it does not matter.
Photos: Life Action Göteborg, Jurgen Fritz, He Chengyao, Mikhas Matusevich
Random Argumentation at Mobius, Boston 02.04.2010
Photos by Bob Raymond.