Denis Romanovski


Futureview 2006-...

Note. Ongoing version of the project is Futurerighted (F) 2020.
A series of (ca 100) records of people talking to themselves distanced in time: dialogues  future-selves and past-selves). The final  dialogue records are to be handed over to the project participants and are not meant for the public view, unless with specific wish, permission and consent of each participant. 
Futureview is an interview or dialog with yourself in the future. Back in 2010, futureviews became so popular among artists, writers, filmmakers, composers and other creative people, that some of them claimed Futureview as genre. During last decades were created many futureviews in various media and by using various methods: by meditating, by asking, by interrogating (some artists even managed to subject future- themselves to torture), by picturing and 3d modeling, by using identity simulators, and so forth with other traditional and extravagant methods.
Note: Text was written in 2006.
Futureviews dramatically influenced today's life in most spheres. When writers started to publish books in co-authorship with future-themselves, and especially when filmmakers and pop-music producers followed their example, in several countries copyright laws were reconsidered as Futureright laws, leaving practically no space for single-time creativity. At any rate, we are here not to judge futureview as to whether it was an artistic genre or not. We are here today to present the recently created original futureview from 2006 by Denis Romanovski. Why have we chosen this futureview? Following Futureright laws by occasion of year 2006 we have the unique right to present publicly this original futureview until 2010. And, more importantly, this is the first futureview where futureview was mentioned as futureview [‘fju:t? 'vju:]. In this dialogue between Denis and Denis he futureviews himself about projects and researches he runs, in particular about auditory displays and Acoustic Web Navigator, intuitive acoustic language (or "bird's language") and Open Research Platform. Acoustic Web Navigator (AWN) as a free accessibility plug-in was successfully released in 2009. By 2010 the project included several different directions of research and developed several alternative solutions for auditory desktops, enhancing computer interfaces and creating new accessibility tools. Attempts to use "bird's language" for multilingual communication was not very effective, yet it was used in some space programs. All these open research projects were developed involving hundreds of artists, researchers and developers. Dozens of doctoral works were written using and with contribution of various Open Research Platforms. Perhaps this early futureview yields to modern productions in spectacular effects and consistency, but it contains intimate attempts at new artistic expression and experiments with not yet established forms of futureview. Plural-times creation whirls other persons into the conversation and futureview turns into bi-futureview, tri-futureview and further up into poly- futureview.

- Denis Romanovski, Futureview, 2006-2010
(F) Futureight 2010, Denis Romanovski